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3 posts
Is the volume on the youtube video low?
Edited by ackthpppt on Reason: Initial post
I need to max out the volume sliders to be able to hear Per clearly.

BTW, Great project and I've learned a lot from the few videos streamed so far!

19 posts
Is the volume on the youtube video low?
Maybe, though I don't notice this personally, as different youtubers have different default volume level anyway, so I often play with volume anyway.
What I do notice, is frequent noisesss, e.g. at 2:48, sound s is the biggest offender here in words "this" and "things", "past" which startss kinda painful to lissten after 30 minutesss or sso.
Come to think of it, maybe it sounds that noisy because volume had to be turned too loud.
Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
Is the volume on the youtube video low?
Days 6 and 7 are quieter than the earlier ones, I think (unless my hearing is off this evening). Definitely quieter than Handmade Hero, and Handmade Hero itself is already kind of quiet. I crank both up to 128% volume.
Per Vognsen
49 posts / 1 project
Is the volume on the youtube video low?
Edited by Per Vognsen on
Yeah, I think the volume got turned down inadvertently and didn't get caught during prestreams. I turned it up for today, so hopefully it's back to normal.
3 posts
Is the volume on the youtube video low?
Yup. It's all good now. Thanks!
Per Vognsen
49 posts / 1 project
Is the volume on the youtube video low?
For others who were having issues, check out today's videos (Day 10) and let me know if the audio levels are better for you. We did a test during the prestream and it seems to be much better.