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2 posts
Vim ion syntax highlighting
Edited by shogas on Reason: Initial post
Hello, everyone.

I'm sure someone already has created vim syntax highlighting for ion, but I couldn't find anything with a quick search, so I created my own. You can find it at github. Will probably be updated as I get to write more ion code.
19 posts
Vim ion syntax highlighting
Hello, everyone.

I'm sure someone already has created vim syntax highlighting for ion, but I couldn't find anything with a quick search, so I created my own. You can find it at github. Will probably be updated as I get to write more ion code.

Neat! I've manually entered "// vim:smartindent" in ion files (or even single vim sessions) when I was not lazy(which is default state of mine).

This is so much better.
Per Vognsen
49 posts / 1 project
Vim ion syntax highlighting
This is great. I've been meaning to do a TextMate grammar (which can be used in both Sublime and Visual Studio and a lot of other editors) but it's been on the backburner...
2 posts
Vim ion syntax highlighting
Edited by Platin21 on Reason: more clear
So many people do a .tmLanguage but i did already make one it works for
sublime/vscode/textmate/vs so if you want you can download it.
Don't hesitate to make a pull request or opening an issue.
Will probably add Atom also in Future and if i get the vs extension done it
will also be better integrated with Visual Studio.
19 posts
Vim ion syntax highlighting
Edited by Maykeye on
So many people do a .tmLanguage but i did already make one it works for
sublime/vscode/textmate/vs so if you want you can download it.
Don't hesitate to make a pull request or opening an issue.
Will probably add Atom also in Future and if i get the vs extension done it
will also be better integrated with Visual Studio.

How to add it to VSCode? I copied vscode/ion/* to .vscode/extensions/ion (and .vscode/ion) but it doesn't show in list of languages when I click on "Plain Text" to change highlighting.

ETA: never mind. actually it works. I forgot that I use code-insiders instead of code. Once I moved to .vscode-insiders/extension/ion all worked