The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Hello, world!

First post on our new forums here on Handmade Network!

I'll shut off comments on YouTube and funnel all open-ended discussion here. It will help us centralize redundant discussions in one place and it should help with community building in general.

A huge thank you to Abner and the other Handmade Network folks for making this happen.

Edited by Per Vognsen on
Hello :)
Hi people!
Hi! (just making some noise)

Welcome to our humble abode.

Back when we founded Handmade Network, I actually had plans for a project not all that dissimilar to Bitwise.
It was going to cover these topics:
- Designing an ISA
- Implementing an assembler targeting the ISA
- Implementing an emulator for a CPU with this ISA (possibly extending Bochs or Qemu for the rest of the hardware)
- Implementing a compiler backend (GCC or LLVM)
- and eventually porting Linux to our custom architecture
- if there was still interest, then the HDL/FPGA route

RISC-V kinda pre-empted most of the raison d'être for this project and life also got in the way, so it never got off the ground.
So what I'm trying to say is that I'm very happy to see a likewise low-level series come to life :)

All the best,
Welcome! Its good to have you here, and I'm excited to continue working through your course. I figured this would be a perfect project to continue learning Rust.

Thanks for the awesome series.
Hi all

Oh man, I feel like I haven't used forums for 15 years or so.

This brings back some memories.

Welcome! Its good to have you here, and I'm excited to continue working through your course. I figured this would be a perfect project to continue learning Rust.

Every project is a perfect project to learn rust (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

Edited by Maykeye on
Hi everyone.

Per, don't forget to add links to this forum into the Github repo :)
I think I did? The README, FAQ and Guidelines files should all have links to the forums now, and it's emphasized that the forums here are the appropriate venue for open-ended discussions. I also prepended a "Discuss at <url>" to all the YouTube video descriptions and disabled comments there.

Let me know if I missed anything. Pull requests are very welcome for this kind of thing. :)

Edited by Per Vognsen on
My mistake. I expected it at the bottom of the post and it was on the second line. Oops :)
The stream will be off tomorrow. I wrote up some notes here, with recommendations for additional ideas for anyone who blasts through their homework and want to do more:
Hello looking forward to bitwise!